Reefton Hotel near Warburton -
Victoria is on the way to the Upper Yarra Dam and a great hangout for motor bike
enthusiasts. The Bikies like to relax and enjoy a drink on the veranda while the rest of the
world speeds past.
Reefton Hotel great Bikie hangout near Warburton
on the road to the Upper Yarra Dam
For the Thumbnail Gallery please click this image.
This hotel has received many renovations and re-paints, in fact every time we go past the paint job
has changed. At the moment we don't think it is actually painted but appears to have been
stripped back to the bare boards yet again - we assume it is awaiting another change of
appearance. The white looks good - let's hope they return to the white paint job.
Actually we have reason to believe this is a very historic building. That is all we know at
the moment and we are trying to ferret out more information about the historical significance.