New Age - Dark Age |
Today some people will believe
anything as long as it is prefaced with New Age. Witchcraft is one of the more popular
activities. Witchcraft is not new, people have been fooling around with this
rubbish in some form since the beginning. It reached a peak in the middle ages where so-called
witches were burnt, tortured and murdered - witchcraft is not new.
Some organizations unfortunately seem to pander to this stupidity by having their representative
exorcise people who they believe are behaving in an unusual manner. This little ritual is where
their representative supposedly wrestle this imaginary evil spirit out of the
person. The person has generally been behaving in a peculiar and/or abnormal manner and it is
assumed that he/she is possessed by a devil. Whether the representative actually believes this
to be so we do not know. Some people are just naturally awful and unpleasant - they
don't necessarily have a devil lurking beneath their skin. Anyway moving on
A person who sees things nobody else sees is probably suffering from some illness and they
should seek medical advise as soon as they can. These days it is hard enough to cope in life
without having to consider that witch and evil spirit hum-bug. It is all in the mind and goes
way back and beyond the dark age almost to stone age. Stone age and primitive beliefs in these
modern times are harmful, old-fashioned and stupid and could be doing people a great
disservice. This is so with children who are especially vulnerable.
How do we explain this degenerative behaviour in view of all the wonderful advances science
has made and is still making, with the best to come. Well firstly we have the word
"new" and if you have a entrepreneurial frame of mind just add the other word
"free" and you are on a winner. Special is also a good and hugely popular word to
use. Advertise your "New Free Special conditions apply" idea, then add some
form of thumping noise which totally blocks out any rational thinking that the person may have had
and you are then on a even bigger winner.
It is New Age, Free and Special (thump thump) - New Age Special Free Magic (thump thump)
- New Age Free Special Hair Cut (special conditions apply thump thump special conditions apply
thump thump ) - New Age Free Special Devils (made to your own specifications - short tails, long
tails - no tails - pink tails - blue tails - thump thump thump - whips and chains an additional
extra - thump thump thump - conditions apply). New Age Free Special Horriblescopes !!!! oops
sorry should be Horrorscopes thump thump thump thump thump thump.
Oh hell - my front tooth has just been knocked out - moan, moan, sniff, sniff - maybe one of these
Free Magic Miracle people can make it grow back. Hey you - Miracle Magic Worker do something
useful make my tooth grow back - pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee. And while you are at it make my hair
grow back too and also tell me a winning tatslotto number so I will have money to pay the huge fee I
know you are going to charge for failing to make my tooth and hair grow back in their proper
places. On the palm of my hands is not what I wanted. It really looks quite ridiculous
and ugly too. Oh woe is me!
Hey miracle worker entrepreneurs - reiki entrepreneurs, physic healer entrepreneurs, reflexology
entrepreneurs, crystal gazer entrepreneurs, ruins or is it prunes entrepreneurs and the like etc.
etc. Put you money where your mouth is and make my tooth grow back in fact while you are about
it make all my missing teeth grow back. Bet you can't. If you can do this be
assured your fortune will be made and if you can do this (which we know you can't) you won't
need money because you can do anything. You will probably live forever. But be warned it
could be boring.