
General Information
Images Australia
This site is devoted to the display and promotion of computer generated images, photographs,
poetry, music, literature and any other visual or audio art. Anything that compliments
and promotes the Image of Australia including the abstract vision as a diverse and tolerant society
is desired.

Australia is made up of people from many different races and we hope to have poetry, songs, and
images that will show some aspects of this cultural diversity. We believe this cultural
diversity has enriched our lives in many positive ways. But we must not let this diversity make us
forget who we are no matter where we came from or where our parents came from. We are all
Australians first and foremost. Eventually no matter what country a person has originated from
the children will become and think of themselves as Australians - true blue Aussies.

Future Development of this Site

Later we hope that others will display their work here on this site and perhaps have their own
gallery. The details are yet to be worked out.

Images similar to the type displayed in the Image Gallery will give an indication of the subject
matter that is wanted.

Images classified R, depict violence, or
contain sexually explicit material, are absolutely and totally unacceptable. This is a
safe family site, some of the images have been created by children.

If you have any questions please E-Mail us.

But please do not send attachments as they are never opened and are thrashed immediately with a
stick for security reasons. Where they actually end up no one knows or cares.